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Final online capacity building seminar focuses on intercultural dialogue
and inclusion

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Cultural institutions and heritage sites as places for intercultural dialogue and inclusion

March 17th, 11:00-13:30H (CET)

Register HERE to obtain the Zoom link!​


Throughout history, historic towns have served as the heartbeats of civilizations, bearing witness to the flow of human existence. However, in the face of modernization and urbanisation, many of these towns are now confronted with challenges such as neglect, environmental degradation, and social exclusion. REVIVE project seeks to address these challenges by developing and testing innovative sustainable and inclusive solutions for reviving historic towns and sites and involving diverse young talents into experiments on four different locations across Europe. By harnessing the principles of sustainability, inclusivity, and creativity, during two years of our project, we aim to breathe new life into the selected sites, ensuring they remain vibrant centres of community life for generations to come.


The final REVIVE experiment in Iasi, Romania, taking place in May this year, aims to reintroduce in the public circuit an area of the Palace of Culture, the so-called underground levels of the edifice, hosting the former power plant which was in use until the 1970s. The goal of the future concept is to combine both the social texture of the city as it has been formed throughout the centuries until contemporary times, and the industrial heritage, as it has been preserved in the edifice, but also integrating it in the large context of the city's industrial evolution. The ”Social Machine” is the concept around which a team of 14 young talents from various fields (architecture, visual arts, museography…) in close cooperation with the local team of museum experts, will co-create a new vision for the space which at the end of the experiment will be integrated in the public circuit of the museum.


The focus of this seminar is intercultural dialogue and inclusion within cultural
institutions and heritage sites, bringing forward the European Bauhaus principles as they can be approached and integrated in our daily life. The seminar is open to the public and is especially aimed at professionals, students, cultural heritage lovers and all relevant stakeholders involved in heritage protection and revitalisation.


This capacity building seminar is open to the public and is especially aimed at professionals, students, cultural heritage lovers and all relevant stakeholders involved in heritage protection and revitalisation.




Welcome words, introduction of REVIVE project, concept and current stage 


Introducing the on-site experiment in Romania / Coralia Costas, Head of Cultural Mediation, Projects and Marketing at the Palace of Culture, Iași


Integrative approach of Iasi City minorities through intercultural initiatives and community involvement / Elena Farca, Head of International Affairs within the Iași Municipality


Short break


Urban Oases -  Children Playing Areas for Sustainable Communities / Andrei Bodnar, Architect, Vice-President of the Order of Romanian Architects, IaÈ™i Branch, co-founder of ECHO Building Workshop


Beauty is process / Loredana Stasisin, NEB Technical Expert & Mentor, Architectural Heritage Specialist, Architect and Digital Curator


Conclusion, assessment and feedback


Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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