On September 3rd, from 13:30 to 16:00 (CEST), a capacity-building seminar titled "Cultural heritage revitalisation through video mapping and audience engagement" will take place, inviting participants to reimagine neglected historic sites using innovative solutions for their revitalisation. This seminar, as well as others hosted by Revive project, aims to inspire sustainable and inclusive living spaces for future generations, drawing inspiration from the New European Bauhaus.
Throughout history, historic towns have served as the heartbeats of civilizations, bearing witness to the flow of human existence. However, in the face of modernization and urbanisation, many of these towns are now confronted with challenges such as neglect, environmental degradation, and social exclusion.
REVIVE project seeks to address these challenges by developing and testing innovative sustainable and inclusive solutions for reviving historic towns and sites and involving diverse young talents into experiments on four different locations across Europe. By harnessing the principles of sustainability, inclusivity, and creativity, during two years of our project, we aim to breathe new life into the selected sites, ensuring they remain vibrant centres of community life for generations to come.
The focus of this seminar is engagement. Effective engagement involves enlightening the community about relevant, shared history and future. Also, community engagement empowers residents to shape their lives in the modern public sphere and participate in decisions that impact them personally. In this seminar, we address engagement through video mapping and animation and seek answers on how to engage different stakeholders within social and cultural settings.
This capacity building seminar is open to the public and is especially aimed at professionals, students, cultural heritage lovers and all relevant stakeholders involved in heritage protection and revitalisation.
If you want to participate, please register HERE to obtain the Zoom link.
Welcome words, introduction of REVIVE project, concept and current stage
Introducing the on-site experiment in Turku / Antti Alanko, Senior Lecturer, Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS)
Engagement and storytelling through video mapping and animation + Q&A / Elli Vuorinen, Senior Lecturer, Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS)
Short break
Stakeholder engagement within museum and cultural settings + Q&A / Mika Väyrynen, Head of Audience Engagement, Turku City Museum
Conclusion: announcement of the next capacity building event, assessment and feedback