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Transnational Online Capacity Building  Seminar Exploring Sustainable Solutions for Tržič

On May 8th, from 13:30 to 16:00 (CEST), a capacity-building seminar titled "How might we revive historic towns through interventions in public spaces?" will take place, inviting participants to delve into innovative solutions for breathing new life into historic sites. Hosted by the REVIVE project, this seminar aims to inspire sustainable and inclusive living spaces for future generations, drawing inspiration from the ethos of the New European Bauhaus.


Throughout history, historic towns have served as the heartbeats of civilizations, bearing witness to the flow of human existence. However, in the face of modernization and urbanization, many of these towns are now confronted with challenges such as neglect, environmental degradation, and social exclusion.


REVIVE project seeks to address these challenges by developing and testing innovative sustainable and inclusive solutions for reviving historic towns and sites and involving diverse young talents into experiments on four different locations across Europe. By harnessing the principles of sustainability, inclusivity, and creativity, during two years of our project, we aim to breathe new life into the selected sites, ensuring they remain vibrant centers of community life for generations to come.


The focus of this seminar is reimagining public spaces within historic contexts to inspire the first on-site experiment taking place in Tržič (Slovenia) in July. Through this seminar, we will explore innovative approaches, best practices, and case studies that showcase successful interventions in public spaces within historic towns. By sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas, and fostering collaboration, we hope to inspire actionable strategies that can be replicated and adapted in diverse contexts across Europe and beyond.


This capacity building seminar is open to the public and is especially aimed at professionals, students, cultural heritage lovers and all relevant stakeholders involved in heritage protection and revitalisation. 

If you want to participate, please register HERE to obtain the Zoom link.




Welcome words, introduction of REVIVE project, introducing the audience.

REVIVE concept and current stage / AHTS 



ENGAGEMENT. Placemaking methods + Q&A / Kristian Krog, Maltfabrikken



VISIONING. Interventions in public spaces as opportunities for the local community + Q&A / Enrique Mínguez Martínez, architect and professor at UCAM



Short break



LEARNING FROM OTHERS. Open Spaces and sustainable architecture in protected heritage areas (with examples from Slovenia) + Q&A / Aleksander Ostan, assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana



LEARNING FROM OTHERS. Thinking the NEB way. A systemic approach on human-centred design, cultural sustainability and meaningful living spaces / Loredana Stasisin, architect



Conclusion: announcement of the next capacity building event, assessment and feedback


Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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